Reloaded, cocked and ready to go

I need to take a new approach with this blog. What that approach is, as of right now, I do not know. I just feel that I need to write more; I want to write more.

What I do know is the “dog-days of fall” (I just coined that phrase) are approaching — which also means winter is right around the corner — and those who know about my writing habits know I write in the colder months when drinking coffee becomes more of a commonplace.

The main purpose of my blog, even from the days of the “Evidence of a Chemical Reaction” moniker, was to give myself a place to write about topics on my mind. Mainly sports, but it has since ventured from there.

Then, my blog progressed to the few news articles I had written for CM Life and the eventual opinion column I had last fall. Just over a year ago — Oct. 16, 2009 to be exact — was the last time I had anything published.

Since my last column, I’ve updated my readers with a few big opportunities that were coming my way in the immediate future and basic updates as to how general things were going in my life: work, school, family, relationships, friends, etc.

My most recent post was due in part to a blog of a former colleague of mine and my reaction to some things he had said regarding page design within the overall future of journalism, both print and online.

Clearly, my posts have been few and far between. This is because, just as what put a halt to my opinion column (which I hope to start up again later this fall or next semester, depending on if the editors will let me), I failed to come up with ideas. Inspiration, or lack thereof, severely diminished the frequency of my posts.

I have come to realize within the last few weeks that inspiration for blogs have not been scarce. In fact, I’ve had chats, arguments or general comments with my (male) roommates regarding sports the last few months. What I have not done, however, is written down these ideas to transform into a blog.

This is where I’m hoping to change.

Just the last 24 hours, I’ve told a few friends I want to start writing again and both have told me they look forward to reading my words, mainly because they like what I write. Be it the topic, my opinion or the way I write, I do not know yet, but it is great to hear people enjoy my writing. I know, once my brother catches wind I will be writing more frequently, we’ll start up the never-ending argument of who is the better writer. [He is far more superior than I.]

The one topic that has given me the most inspiration over the last few days, which I am excited to write about and see where my feelings take me, is in regards to the transition of my family moving out of the house I grew up in. Keep on the lookout for it within the next coming days.

On a side note, Halloween is this weekend, and I partook in the annual pumpkin carving event I have with my friend Lindsay. Last year I carved this:

and this year I carved this!

Hard to tell what it is, but it's a wolf.

I consider this post to let everyone know I am going to try my hardest to update more often. Even if my posts are general comments on world news, sports, or simply just a rant for the day (how about this wind lately?), I hope to get people to read my words and to (one day) expect posts from me, ask me my opinion on something, or hopefully, get excited and anxious to read my words.

One favor I ask of you readers, though, is please comment to let me know what you think about what I have to say. I do not wish to write for the sake of seeing my words on this blog, I want your input, your comments, your opinions as well. Help me make this more conversational, so please comment, even if it’s just something simple!

Check back in the next few days for my post about home… I have a feeling it is going to be epic, and I’ll expect to hear some feedback.

Until next time…

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